Sunday, October 26, 2014

4th grade Gesture Drawings

Please excuse the short post. I just had to post these pictures before I forget.  I will write about them soon!!  They are just amazing!!!

First grade Mondrian artwork.

I realized that I am so behind on my first grade posts! We are often so busy and engaged in class that I forget to take some pictures during class.

The first graders have been studying Piet Mondrian as well, and were most interested at how he wanted his style of artto be as basic as possible by using simple lines and primary colors.  We discussed vertical and horizontal lines and the principles of design.

They were to create an interesting composition that shows balance and unity with their colors.
 They started with vertical and horizontal lines, then added diagonal lines when making a silouette of a "fall tree."

I will take pictures of their completed projects and update this post this coming week.
They all look so amazing and unique and I apologize for not posting these sooner!! 

3rd grade Jars with value and form

The 3rd graders had a review lesson on form and value while drawing jars of bugs.
I demonstrated, step by step, how to draw a jar and then they drew their own bug/creature inside.  I then demonstrated how to show value to create form. 

After cutting out their jars, they created depth by drawing 3 lines and again  using the element of value.  They glued their bottles on top and added a shadow


2nd Grade Candy still life

The 2nd graders did such an amazing job on the last still life project that I wanted them to do another one!  This time, I let them have more fun with it ANC they first used crumpled paper and tissue paper to create a large scale 3-d model of a piece of candy (not pictured).  Then they had a review on observational drawing and I demonstrated how to draw the wrinkles in the wrapper to create implied texture.  

They were eager to get started and they just took off!  

Saturday, October 18, 2014

4th grade Gesture Drawings

The 4th graders have begun their gesture drawings using their classmates as live models.  They observed how to use basic lines and shapes to quickly draw their subject, use their whole arm when drawing, and to draw over and through their existing lines and shapes without having to erase.  They created their figure drawings in under 10 minutes and are off to a great start!  

I am so excited to begin this unit with them and I am seeing some amazing talent.

4th grade completion of their proportions project

The 4th graders began filling in the positive space of their figures using the new oil pastels.  They carefully colored each part of the wooden mannequin using value scale to create implied form.

They all did an amazing job and I can't wait to display them in the school.

Middle School and Lichtenstein

The middle school students began their unit on Roy Lichtenstein and pop art.  They  observed some of Lichtenstein's ccomic book inspired art and discussed the expression and emotion that is portrayed in each one.  We then discussed his use of benday dots and the criticism that Lichtenstein received towards his artwork.


For their first project, the students had to make a facial expression that portrayed a clear emotion and they will use that to create their Lichtenstein inspired self portrait.