Saturday, October 18, 2014

5th grade and Giacamo Balla

The 5th grade class have been learning about the Futurism work of Giacamo Balla.

They first observed the following three paintings without knowing their titles, and used their sketchbooks to write down what they saw in each of the paintings.

The first painting is called "Speeding Automobile" and some of the students saw sound waves, film strips, and a tunnel.  

In the second painting, "Flight of the Swallows," some students identified birds, an apartment window, a beach sunset, and wind.  

The last painting is "Dynamism of a Dog Walking," and most of the students were able to identify it as a dog and an owner going for a walk. Some other ideas included a horse and carriage, two dogs walking, and a silver chain necklace.

We discussed Futurism, repetition, and movement.  Then, we began drawing and cutting out the wooden mannequins to use in an upcoming proj.

Week 2 & 3

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