Monday, September 29, 2014

2nd grade and Cezanne * updated with recent pictures

I read a book about the history of Paul Cezanne to the 2nd grade class.  Like Jackson Pollock, the students enjoyed hearing about how he struggled in art class.  In this unit, the 2nd graders will be working on the following objectives:

-basic shading
-capturing different viewpoints/points of view 
-drawing from observation
-overlapping subjects to show distance

In the book, we focused on Cezanne's painting titled, "Still Life with Basket."  I wanted them to notice how the rules of perspective did not apply to this painting and how he painted from different viewpoints.  

For our first exercise, we had to draw an apple from 3 viewpoints in the same composition, create overlapping apples, and add shadows.

I was so proud of how well they did!  Some students did struggle, but when I reminded them of how Pollock and Cezanne struggled, they relaxed a bit and did a great job.

Day 1:

Day two update:

Day 3 update:

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